full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sam Rodriques: What we'll learn about the brain in the next century

Unscramble the Blue Letters

OK, I want to bring you back now to the year 2017. Some of this may sound satirical or even far fetched. And some of it is. I mean, I can't actually see into the future. I don't actually know if we're going to be drilling hundreds or thousands of microscopic holes in our heads in 30 years. But what I can tell you is that we're not going to make any progress towards understanding the human brain or huamn diseases until we figure out how to get at the electrical activity of neruons in healthy humans. And almost no one is working on figuring out how to do that today. That is the future of nrocceisnuee. And I think it's time for neuroscientists to put down the mouse brain and to dedicate the thought and investment necessary to uenasntrdd the human brain and human disease.

Open Cloze

OK, I want to bring you back now to the year 2017. Some of this may sound satirical or even far fetched. And some of it is. I mean, I can't actually see into the future. I don't actually know if we're going to be drilling hundreds or thousands of microscopic holes in our heads in 30 years. But what I can tell you is that we're not going to make any progress towards understanding the human brain or _____ diseases until we figure out how to get at the electrical activity of _______ in healthy humans. And almost no one is working on figuring out how to do that today. That is the future of ____________. And I think it's time for neuroscientists to put down the mouse brain and to dedicate the thought and investment necessary to __________ the human brain and human disease.


  1. understand
  2. human
  3. neuroscience
  4. neurons

Original Text

OK, I want to bring you back now to the year 2017. Some of this may sound satirical or even far fetched. And some of it is. I mean, I can't actually see into the future. I don't actually know if we're going to be drilling hundreds or thousands of microscopic holes in our heads in 30 years. But what I can tell you is that we're not going to make any progress towards understanding the human brain or human diseases until we figure out how to get at the electrical activity of neurons in healthy humans. And almost no one is working on figuring out how to do that today. That is the future of neuroscience. And I think it's time for neuroscientists to put down the mouse brain and to dedicate the thought and investment necessary to understand the human brain and human disease.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
electrical activity 4
neural activity 4
human brain 3
mouse brain 2
healthy humans 2
microscopic holes 2

Important Words

  1. activity
  2. brain
  3. bring
  4. dedicate
  5. disease
  6. diseases
  7. drilling
  8. electrical
  9. fetched
  10. figure
  11. figuring
  12. future
  13. heads
  14. healthy
  15. holes
  16. human
  17. humans
  18. hundreds
  19. investment
  20. microscopic
  21. mouse
  22. neurons
  23. neuroscience
  24. neuroscientists
  25. progress
  26. put
  27. satirical
  28. sound
  29. thought
  30. thousands
  31. time
  32. today
  33. understand
  34. understanding
  35. working
  36. year
  37. years